Contract Lifting Teams
Contract Lifting
As a company, we have our own In-House appointed persons, crane supervisors, and slinger signalers. This gives us the capability to carry out our own contract lifts with our familiar, well-trained, and experienced team making sure we're in compliance with BS7121 safe use of cranes act in the fields of lifting that we offer.
Michael Spinks has over 25 years of experience working with cranes, with our main ambition being to deliver quality products to an outstanding degree of excellence and execution. We as a team at Spinks Carpentry take the utmost pride in managing, consulting, and problem-solving with every project we undertake, with the maximum safety precautions in mind at every given moment. So you can be sure to receive professional standards leading to an exceptional finish.
Contract Lift includes:
• Appointed persons to engineer and manage the lift.
• BS7121 compliance.
• Method Statement.
• Risk assessment.
• Crane supervisors.
• Slinger/signalers.
• Lifting Equipment. |